First due company arrives and has a father and grandmother in the front lawn confirming a 2 year old trapped on the second floor. The rest you can see for yourself. Note in the first few seconds the firefighter coming out the front door with the kid. Also later in the video after the man confronts the camera watch him return to the scene and start pushing a firefighter around. The father has now been charged with arson for this fire. Heres is a write-up from the Englin Fire Chief
Elgin Fire Department Battalion Chief Terry Bruce said once emergency personnel arrived, they soon were informed by occupants that a baby boy remained inside, sitting in a high chair on the second floor of the tri-level home.
He said Elgin firefighter Kevin Hartmann went inside and was able to find and remove the child just as smoke was entering the room. “The smoke was just starting to build up right near the baby,” Bruce said. “Another couple of minutes and the baby probably would have been overcome by the smoke.” Three dogs also were rescued from the home, Bruce said, but a fourth was not recovered. An already highly emotional scene became even more dramatic, Bruce said, when the baby’s father suddenly became irate and began to assault several firefighters, requiring Elgin police to restrain him.
The baby’s grandmother tried to put out the fire when it started, but she had to leave the home, Bruce added. The blaze, which started in the first-floor bedroom that belonged to the boy’s father, was brought under control in about 30 minutes, Bruce said.
We don’t want to arm-chair quarterback these guys because the bottom line is they made a save in a situation that they were behind in from the time this man started the fire. That being said we would like to hear your thoughts and points that we can learn from.
Firespread?….Rescue?…Next in assignments? What do you think. Answer in the comment box if you have any.